Thursday, May 03, 2018


What do you do when a product is expired? Throw it away... That's a logical answer. Expiry date is a previously determined date after which something should no longer be used, either by operation of law or by exceeding the anticipated shelf life for perishable goods. So do not wait until the expiry good contaminates any member of your family. 
Expiry date also applies to human being. Young age means your expiry date is still long. People puts so much hope on you and you are well looked after. You are placed in a safe dwelling in which the temperature and the cleanliness are of significant issue.  The philosophy behind it is simple, be ready when the time needs you. 
At your productive age, people adore  and kneel down as you pass them. That is the time when they are in need of you, so, consider yourself the king or the queen of the universe, no matter how small the universe is. People are dependent on you. They put their breath of life in your hand. It all depends on you whether you are going to support them or deny their existence. 
Most people, spend this phase of their life, supporting people around them. In return they adore and worship you. They laugh at your stupid jokes. They vote for you even if you don't expect them to do so. They even call you a genie. 
Things turns blue and gray when the expiry date is over. That's the time when those who used to support you have developed their own strength and are able to stand on their own. This is the time when you  turn into nuisance and suffering. You are poisonous. This is the time to get rid of you before you become contaminated. 

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