Tuesday, June 16, 2020


"After following the webinar about assessment we believe that we can't prevent students from cheating. For that reason, we are not going to divide the exam into three parts. It is time consuming and tiring. What we are going to do is distribute the problems and ask students to work on it for 2.5 hours instead of 3 hours."

"Considering the assumptions that we cant prevent students from cheating, why do we have to cut the time?"

"To prevent them from cheating!". 

(Oh...help me make it through the day)


Like many other little girls, my life was filled and influenced by fairy tales. The one that has been implanted deeply into my mind and my heart are fairies. I always imagine that fairies live in  bell-shaped flowers. Eversince that time my preference toward flowers are directed to bell-shaped flowers. 
As I grow old, it remains there. Most of the flowers in my backyard are bell-shaped flowers. I could sit for hours in my garden admiring the flowers. I am captivated by the flowers and feel at peace. My imagination runs wild, and I bought a lot of fairy statues figurines. I put them on my study and when I am tired of reading, I set my eyes fixed on them and my mind drift away to the fairy lands. 
My imagination went wild  and I began to unfold my dreams and materilize them into the shapes of the fairy lands. I cannot tell you how it it, but this I know, it is so relieving. Ever since that time when my mind is in a chaotic situation, I choose to be in my garden and dive into my land of imagination. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020


My mind was wandering far away. It stopped in a spot where I keep my mother's picture. It is not like any ordinary picture, it is a picture that suddenly turns itself into a breathing story. She sat there in the sofa where she could be in charge of her small world. I passed her by and she watched me silently with no word spoken. I have never understood her silent language since I used my brain to interpret language. Not until lately did I began to think of it deeply. 
Missing her has made me redirect my thoughts to my heart. I miss her more than any words can say. I think of her with no reason. Love does not need any reason. Love is just a small piece of my heart. I think of her silent language. I thought of those eyes, they were hollow and empty. I have never given any attentions to those eyes. They were there in my mind but I had been ignoring it. I  began to decode the message. This time my heart took control of the process. I suddenly bursted out crying. For  my mother suffered from loneliness. It was like cancer that crushed her heart and gently consumed her bones. 
If only I had a chance to turn the clock back. I would have quit working, I would have stayed with you and spent our time together. I wanted to fill your empty and hollow eyes and turn them into the language of happiness and satisfaction. I love you ma and missing you more than words can explain. 

Saturday, June 06, 2020


Dining table is one of the few places where we all gather together to have lunch. We pray prior to having our lunch. My son always starts his prayer with a greeting. "Good afternoon God." His sisters gigle in silence while he continues the prayer. No better than his sisters I also felt that there was something wrong with his habit. But that was only in the beginning. 
I began to wonder why people are expected to pray in the way others do. Rituals are meant to add referential meaning to make canonical meaning intelligable. As long as the abstract meaning of a prayer is delivered be it through a different ritual, I do not see anything wrong with that. 
Eversince that time I let him pray in the way he is comfortable with. The message and the meaning are there, it is just the way he does it differs from others.